Chocolate meringue and maraschino cherry cups

October 26, 2015 (Last Updated: November 29, 2016)
Chocolate meringue and maraschino cherry cups recipe

Chocolate meringue and maraschino cherry cups are nothing short of heavenly. The marshmallowy ooze of these little beauties against the smooth chocolate renders them somewhat moreish! For an special occasion, dust with gold powder and celebrate true festivity.

Chocolate meringue and maraschino cherry cups

Serves: 6
Cooking Time: 1 hr


  • Filling

  • 230g SPAR white sugar
  • 80ml (1/3 cup) water
  • 5 SPAR large egg whites
  • 113g SPAR castor sugar
  • 170g SPAR maraschino cherries, roughly chopped + extra, whole, to garnish
  • Chocolate cups

  • 300g milk chocolate, melted
  • To serve

  • edible gold powder, to serve
  • handful tinned baby apples, drained, to serve



For the filling, place the white sugar and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil until it reaches 121 °C on a sugar thermometer. In the meantime, whisk the egg whites until stiff peaks form, then gradually add the castor sugar while whisking. Drizzle the boiled sugar into the egg whites in a slow stream, while whisking, until the mixture is cooled and glossy. Fold in the maraschino cherries.


For the chocolate cups, brush the melted chocolate in the wells of a silicone cupcake tray and refrigerate to set, 30 minutes. Once set, repeat the process for a second coat. Remove from fridge, spoon the meringue mixture over and pour the remaining melted chocolate on top to seal. Refrigerate to set.


Once set, carefully remove the cups from the moulds, brush with edible gold powder and serve garnished with whole cherries and baby apples brushed with gold powder.

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