Baking at sea level (high altitude baking)

February 16, 2017 (Last Updated: November 15, 2022)
Flourless chocolate cake

Baking at sea level (high altitude baking)

Baking at sea level

All baking recipes on this website have been tested at high altitude. Follow this guide for baking at sea level:

  • Lower the oven temperature by 10°C
  • For every 5ml (1tsp) baking powder, increase by 1 – 2 ml
  • For every 220g (1 cup) granulated sugar, increase by 15 – 3 ml ( 2 – 3 tbsp)
  • For every 250ml (1 cup) liquid, decrease by 30 – 45ml (2 -3 tbsp)
  • For every 120g (1 cup) flour, decrease by 15ml (1 tbsp)

FEATURE RECIPE: Flourless chocolate cake

Flourless chocolate cake

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