Easy pumpkin fritters with caramel sauce

April 5, 2017
Easy pumpkin fritters with caramel sauce

Pumpkin fritters with caramel sauce

Serves: 6 - 8
Cooking Time: 50 mins


  • 1 large pumpkin, peeled, seeded and cubed
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 2 large eggs
  • 120g (1 cup) cake flour
  • 5ml (1 tsp) baking powder
  • 125ml (½ cup) milk
  • 1 litre sunflower oil, for deep-frying

  • 200g (1 cup) sugar
  • 250ml (1 cup) fresh cream, warmed
  • 250ml (1 cup) milk
  • 10ml (2 tsp) cornflour
  • 50g sesame seeds, toasted, to serve



For the fritters, cook the pumpkin in plenty of boiling water until soft,about 20 minutes. Mash while still hot, season well and allow to cool.


Mix the eggs, flour, baking powder and milk into the cold pumpkin and blend until smooth.


Heat the oil in a large pot on a medium heat. Using two dessert spoons, drop dollops of the pumpkin batter into the oil. Deep-fry in batches until golden brown. Remove from the oil with a slotted spoon, drain on paper towel and keep warm.


For the sauce, gently heat the sugar in a saucepan, stirring until the sugar has melted and turned gold.


Remove the sugar from the heat and very slowly add the cream, stirring constantly until well combined.


Mix together the milk and cornflour and add to the cream and sugar mixture. Return to the stove and bring to the boil, stirring constantly until the sauce thickens slightly.


Pour the sauce over the fritters and serve hot, sprinkled with the sesame seeds.

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