Brownie, Amarula and espresso semifreddo cheesecake

June 20, 2018

This decadent cheesecake works well with any liqueur – try peppermint liqueur or Frangelico. It’s delicious served with a cup of espresso. 

Brownie, Amarula and espresso semifreddo cheesecake

By Food & Home Entertaining Serves: 6
Total Time: 30 mins plus extra for setting

This decadent cheesecake works well with any liqueur – try peppermint liqueur or Frangelico. It’s delicious served with a cup of espresso.



  • 500g soft ready-made brownies
  • 50g butter

  • 350g ricotta, drained, at room temperature
  • 350g mascarpone, at room temperature
  • 60ml (¼ cup) coffee liqueur
  • 100ml Amarula
  • 50g icing sugar
  • 125g dark chocolate
  • 50ml ground Italian espresso coffee powder
  • chocolate scrolls, to garnish
  • chocolate espresso beans, to garnish
  • fresh mint leaves, to garnish



For the crust, place the brownies in a food processor and blend until fine. Add the butter and blend until a soft mixture forms. Divide the brownie mixture between 3 sheets of baking paper. Top with another sheet of paper and roll it out to 20cm discs. Freeze until solid, about 1 hour.


For the filling, place the ricotta in a bowl and beat in the mascarpone with a wooden spoon. Don’t use a food processor as the mixture will become too runny. Beat in the remaining ingredients.


Peel the baking paper off the brownie discs and place a disc on a cake plate. Spread a third of the mixture over the disc and top with another one. Repeat to create a three-layered cake. Freeze the cake until just frozen, about 2 hours.


Transfer the cake to the fridge 30 minutes before serving. Garnish with chocolate scrolls, chocolate espresso beans and mint leaves.

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