Roasted carrot and red onion tart with goat’s cheese and a red wine vinegar glaze

July 25, 2023 (Last Updated: July 24, 2023)
Roasted carrot and red onion tart with goat’s cheese and a red wine vinegar glaze

Vegetable tart? Yes please! Indulge your tastebuds with this roasted carrot and red onion tart with goat’s cheese and red wine vinegar glaze. A vegetarian tart that will hands down be a winner with both vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

Roasted carrot and red onion tart with goat’s cheese and a red wine vinegar glaze

Lunch Vegetarian
By Gill Johnson Serves: 6
Prep Time: 30 mins Cooking Time: 20-30 mins Total Time: 1 hr



  • 3 med red onions, peeled, quartered
  • 12 baby carrots, washed
  • 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 400g frozen puff pastry (shop bought), defrosted
  • 150g cream cheese
  • 3 tbsp cream
  • 1 tbsp fresh thyme leaves
  • 100g goats cheese
  • 1 free-range egg, beaten

  • 1 cup red wine vinegar
  • 100g brown sugar
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Fresh coriander, to garnish



For the roasted carrot and red onion tart, preheat the oven to 180 C. Spread the carrots and red onion quarters onto a roasting tray and drizzle with olive oil. Toss, to make sure they are coated on all sides. Place the tray in the oven for 15 minutes. Remove the tray from the oven and set aside.


Unfold the defrosted pastry and roll it flat. Place it on a greased baking tray. Score a 2cm line around the edge of the pastry (be careful not to cut through the pastry).


In a small bowl, mix the cream cheese and cream together. Spread this over the entire base of the pastry, within the border that has just been scored. Arrange the carrots and quartered red onions on top of the cream cheese. Scatter the thyme leaves over the carrots and onions. Brush the edge of the pastry with the egg. Bake the tart in the oven for 20 minutes until it is golden. Remove the tart from the oven.


For the red wine glaze, place all the ingredients in a small saucepan and heat it over a medium heat. Allow to simmer until the liquid has reduced to a glaze. Remove the cinnamon stick.


Transfer the tart onto a serving board or platter and drizzle some of the glaze over it. Dot pieces of goats cheese around the tart and garnish with the fresh coriander . Serve with the extra red wine vinegar glaze on the side.

ALSO SEE: Roast vegetable, feta and dill tart

Roast vegetable, feta and dill tart

Recipe by Gill Johnson

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