Carrot, almond and flax crackers with avo and tahini dip

March 18, 2019 (Last Updated: February 26, 2019)
Carrot, almond and flax crackers with avo and tahini dip

The recipe for these carrot, almond and flax crackers is adapted from Hemsley and Hemsley’s cookbook, The Art of Eating Well. I’ve made them many times with several variations and they’re an excellent, wholesome way to use your leftover carrot pulp. Store in an airtight jar on the counter for up to a week (they never last that long in my home, though!)

Recipe and styling by Claire Ferrandi

Photograph by Dylan Swart

Carrot, almond and flax crackers with avo and tahini dip

Serves: 4
Total Time: 45 mins



  • 100g ground almonds
  • 60g carrot pulp
  • 45g flaxseeds
  • 45g sunflower seeds
  • 1 garlic clove, peeled and minced
  • 5ml (1 tsp) fennel seeds
  • 2,5ml (½ tsp) fine salt
  • a good grind of black pepper
  • 10ml (2 tsp) olive oil

  • flesh of 1 avocado
  • 60ml (4 tbsp) milk
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 2 pinches dried chilli flakes
  • 60ml (4 tbsp) tahini paste
  • 1 spring onion, finely chopped
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste



For the carrot crackers, preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease and line a large baking sheet with baking paper. Add all of the cracker ingredients to a large bowl and, using your hands, bring the mixture together. At first, it will seem very dry – if you work it a bit more, it will start to become moist, which is what you want. Stop mixing once the mixture is a dough, but not sticky.


Shape the dough into a ball and place on the prepared baking sheet. Place a piece of baking paper over the dough and roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 0,3cm. Try to roll the mixture out into a neat rectangle, but a perfect rectangle isn’t essential – your crackers may merely look a little more rustic.


Using the back of a knife, carefully mark the dough into approximately 7cm x 3cm rectangles – I like them like this, but make smaller squares, if desired, depending on the size you’d prefer your crackers. You’ll use these marked guides to snap the crackers apart once you’ve baked them.


Bake in the preheated oven, about 12 – 15 minutes, keeping a close eye, as they can burn easily. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and snap off any crackers that have turned golden. Return any that need a little more baking to the oven.


Cool the crackers, 20 minutes, before snapping apart.


While the crackers cool, make your dip by blitzing all of the dip ingredients in a blender until smooth. Serve within 2 hours of making, with the crackers for dipping.

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