Herb stuffing

July 18, 2009 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)
Herb stuffing

Herb stuffing


  • 3 handfuls fresh herbs (we used sage, parsley and thyme, but you can use anything strong that you fancy)
  • 30g cups breadcrumbs
  • 4 pork or chicken bangers, skin removed
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 3 eggs to bind (you may not need all of them, just see how moist the mixture is)



Preheat the oven to 180ºC.


Pat the chicken dry with kitchen towel. Make sure there are no giblets in the cavity.


Finely chop the herbs and mix them with the breadcrumbs, bangers and seasoning.


Beat the egg and add to the mixture until it binds nicely and is not too wet.


Adjust the seasoning to taste. Stuff the large cavity with half of the mixture.


With the other half, flip the skin back from around the wishbone/breast area, and stuff the mixture in there. Flip the skin back and secure with a toothpick if necessary.


Rub the chicken with salt, pepper, lemon juice and oil.


Bake in a hot oven or until golden brown and the juices run clear when you prick between the breast and leg, about 80 – 90 minutes.


Serve immediately or cut up and serve cold at a picnic.

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