Orange and soy-glazed duck

July 31, 2007 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)
Orange and soy-glazed duck recipe

Orange and soy-glazed duck combines some distinctive Asian flavours to create a robust and delicious main dish. Serve with wild rice and garnish with deep-fried noodles. It’s also delicious with mash in winter. 

Orange and soy-glazed duck

Serves: 4
Cooking Time: 1 hr 30 mins


  • 3 ducks, whole
  • Sauce

  • 250g sugar
  • 250ml duck stock
  • 10ml orange zest
  • 125ml orange juice
  • 125ml soy sauce
  • 30ml balsamic vinegar
  • 125ml apricot jam
  • 45ml fresh thyme
  • mashed potato, to serve



Place the ducks in a pot with enough water to cover, bring to the boil over medium heat and boil for 40 minutes. This poaching process will draw the excess fat out of the duck. Preheat the grill.


To make the sauce, mix all the ingredients in a pot and reduce over a low heat until a sauce-like consistency is achieved, about 30 minutes. Set aside until needed.


Once the ducks are poached, portion, debone and set aside.


Mix the apricot jam and thyme. Brush the duck portions with the mixture and grill until crisp and brown, about 15 minutes.


To serve, place the duck on a serving dish and serve with the mashed potato and sauce.

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