Smoky barbecued shellfish

January 24, 2008 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)
Smoky barbecued shellfish recipe

This is a great way of cooking shellfish. The bowl creates a hot, smoky, steamy atmosphere for them to cook in, keeping them moist and giving them a real barbecue flavour. You can use all sorts of shellfish for this recipe; just make sure they’re chunky enough not to fall through the bars on your grill.

Smoky barbecued shellfish

Serves: 4 - 6


  • 2kg shellfish, such as clams, razor clams, mussels, small scallops (frozen will do) and prawns
  • some nice sprigs of fresh herbs, such as thyme, rosemary or bay
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • lemon juice
  • a small bunch of fresh flat-leaf
  • parsley, leaves picked and chopped



Light the barbecue in advance then get on with preparing the fish. Wash your shellfish under running water, pulling any beardy bits off the mussels. Throw away any shells that aren’t tightly closed. Find yourself a large metal bowl or roasting tray and have it on stand-by. Throw your herb branches onto the hot coals so that they start to burn and smoke. Drain your shellfish and pop them onto the barbie. Make sure all the seafood is in contact with the bars and place the bowl or roasting tray upside down over them.


After a couple of minutes, using a pair of tongs, carefully lift up the side of the bowl or tray and check the shellfish are beginning to open. Turn the prawns over and place the bowl back over. After another 2 or 3 minutes, lift the bowl off and scoop the shellfish into it. Discard any shells that haven’t opened. Drizzle the shellfish with olive oil and lemon juice, and toss everything together gently with the chopped parsley. Serve on a big platter with plenty of finger bowls and paper towels for all the sticky fingers.



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