Frozen nougat terrine topped with nuts

January 6, 2009 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)
Frozen nougat terrine topped with nuts recipe

Frozen nougat terrine topped with nuts

Serves: 6
Cooking Time: 20 mins + extra for freezing


  • 80ml (1/3 cup) water
  • 5ml (1 tsp) gelatine
  • 200g good quality white chocolate, chopped
  • 5 large eggs, separated
  • 150ml honey
  • 15ml (1 tbsp) Grand Marnier
  • 200ml fresh cream, chilled
  • 10ml (2 tsp) vanilla extract
  • 60ml (¼ cup) almonds, toasted and finely chopped
  • 60ml (¼ cup) walnuts, toasted and finely chopped
  • mixed nuts, to garnish



Line a metal loaf tin with plastic wrap, leaving some to overhang.


Pour 15ml (1 tbsp) of the water into a small bowl and sprinkle the gelatine over. Set aside until the gelatine has softened, about 10 minutes.


Place the chocolate into a double boiler set over simmering water and stir until the chocolate has melted. Set aside.


Whisk the egg yolks, 30ml (2 tbsp) of the honey, the Grand Marnier and 50ml of the water in a large metal bowl. Set the bowl over a saucepan of gently simmering water and whisk until the mixture thickens, about 5 minutes. Add the gelatine mixture and whisk until it has dissolved.


Stir the remaining water and 60ml (¼ cup) of the honey in a small saucepan over a low heat until the honey has dissolved. Increase the heat and boil for 5 minutes.


Beat the egg whites in a large bowl until soft peaks form. Gradually beat the hot honey syrup into the egg whites. Continue beating until the whites are cool and very stiff, about 4 minutes. Fold the chocolate into the yolk mixture, then fold the egg whites into the yolk mixture in 3 batches.


Beat the cream and vanilla extract in a medium bowl until medium-firm peaks form. Fold the cream and nuts into the mousse. Transfer the mixture to the loaf tin and smooth the top. Cover it with the overhanging plastic and freeze overnight.


Before serving, place the serving platter in the freezer for 15 minutes. Unmould the terrine onto the platter and peel off the plastic. Scoop the terrine into 6 glasses, top with mixed nuts and drizzle with the remaining honey.


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