Savoury profiteroles with chicken liver pâté and quince marmalade

October 16, 2014 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)


Savoury profiteroles with chicken liver pâté and quince marmalade


  • 250ml (1 cup) water or milk
  • 150g (1 cup) plain flour, sifted
  • 80g butter, at room temperature, chopped
  • 3 eggs, at room temperature, lightly beaten
  • 15ml (1 tbsp) fresh rosemary, chives and thyme, finely chopped
  • fresh chive strands, halved, to garnish
  • 500g chicken livers
  • 30ml (2 tbsp) oil
  • ½ shallot or small spring onion, diced
  • 1 sprig of fresh thyme
  • ½ shot (about 15ml or 1 tbsp) brandy
  • ½ shot (about 15ml or 1 tbsp) port
  • 250g butter, cubed
  • 50ml cream
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • quince marmalade, to garnish



For the savoury profiteroles, follow the recipe for the sweet profiteroles, omitting the sugar and adding the finely chopped herbs after you’ve added the egg to the dough.


For the pâté, wash and clean the livers. Sauté the livers in a pan with the oil, shallots and thyme. When cooked, add brandy and port. Blitz the liver mixture in a blender until smooth.


Add the butter and cream while continuously blitzing.


Lastly, add the salt and pepper then pass the mixture through a sieve to strain any remaining pieces.


Place the mixture in a container and refrigerate (preferably overnight) to set.


When the pâté is set, spoon it into a piping bag and use as a filling for the savoury profiteroles.


Cut the profiteroles in half and pipe the pâté onto each base, adding a little quince marmalade on top. Cover with the upper half of the profiteroles and garnish each profiterole with a chive strand.


To keep the shape uniform, bake the profiteroles in a mini-muffin tin.

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