Easy Oreo Balls

July 18, 2022
Easy Oreo balls

These Easy Oreo balls go down a treat, whether you’re a kid or adult, they hit the spot! They are incredibly easy to make, and serve as a fun afternoon activity, late night baking session or mid-week snack.

Easy Oreo Balls

MAKES 25-30


  • 2 packs original Oreos
  • 1 tub (230g) cream cheese
  • 200g dark chocolate, melted
  • 200g white chocolate, melted


PLACE Oreos in a food processor and blend into a fine powder. Add to a large bowl.

SCOOP out the cream cheese and add to the bowl. Using a spoon, work the mixture into a smooth paste.

REFRIGERATE for 1 hour until firm and workable.

USING a tablespoon, scoop out balls of the mixture. Roll each ball between the palms of your hand until smooth. Place on a lined baking tray. Repeat with the remaining mixture. Use larger or smaller spoons for different sized Oreo balls.

PLACE Oreo balls in the freezer for at least 20 minutes. Melt the dark and white chocolate in separate bowls.

REMOVE a third of the Oreo balls from the freezer. Line a second baking tray.

SECURE one Oreo ball onto a knife or off-set spatula. Holding the spatula in one hand, use a spoon to slowly pour dark chocolate over the Oreo ball to coat it evenly. Allow the excess chocolate to drip off, and use a second spatula or knife to clean the base of the Oreo ball.

GENTLY remove the ball from the spatula using a knife and place on the second baking tray.

REPEAT with the remaining Oreo balls, removing from the freezer as you coat them. Coat half in the dark chocolate and half in the white.

ADD the remaining white and dark chocolate to two piping bags or Ziploc bags. Snip a small piece off the tip of the white chocolate bag and drizzle over half of the Oreo balls. Drizzle the dark chocolate over the remaining half.

SET in the fridge for another 10 minutes, or enjoy immediately.

If you are gifting these  (or simply like keeping things neat), break the excess chocolate that pools around the base of the Oreo balls off using either your hands or a knife. Place finished Oreo balls in an airtight container and keep in the fridge for an after dinner treat, or package for a delicious present (keep refrigerated).



If you’re looking to jazz up the look of your Oreo balls even more, try out these fun decoration ideas. Make sure to add the deocation when te chocolate is still setting, otherwise it won’t be stable on the top.

  • Edible flowers – add a petal to each oreo ball after you coat it or add a drizzle.
  • Add a sprinkle of Oreo crumbs
  • Sprinkles
  • chopped chocolate / chocolate shavings
  • Caramel drizzle
  • A small mint leaf
  • Sea salt
  • Brush with edible glitter
  • Desiccated coconut

Easy Oreo Balls

By Sjaan van der Ploeg Serves: 25-30


  • 2 packs original Oreos
  • 1 tub (230g) cream cheese
  • 200g dark chocolate, melted
  • 200g white chocolate, melted




PLACE Oreos in a food processor and blend into a fine powder. Add to a large bowl.


SCOOP out the cream cheese and add to the bowl. Using a spoon, work the mixture into a smooth paste. 


REFRIGERATE for 1 hour until firm and workable.


USING a tablespoon, scoop out balls of the mixture. Roll each ball between the palms of your hand until smooth. Place on a lined baking tray. Repeat with the remaining mixture. Use larger or smaller spoons for different sized Oreo balls.


PLACE Oreos balls in the freezer for at least 20 minutes. Melt the dark and white chocolate in separate bowls.


REMOVE a third of the Oreo balls from the freezer. Line a second baking tray.


SECURE one Oreo ball onto a knife or off-set spatula. Holding the spatula in one hand, use a spoon to pour dark chocolate over the Oreo ball to coat it evenly. Allow the excess chocolate to drip off, and use a second spatula or knife to clean the base of the Oreo ball.


GENTLY remove the ball from the spatula and place on the second baking tray. 


REPEAT with the remaining Oreo balls, removing from the freezer as you coat them. Coat half in the dark chocolate and half in the white.


ADD the remaining white and dark chocolate to two piping bags or Ziploc bags. Snip a small piece off the tip of the white chocolate bag and drizzle over half of the Oreo balls. Drizzle the dark chocolate over the remaining half. 


SET in the fridge for another 10 minutes, or enjoy immediately.


If you are gifting these Oreo balls (or simply like keeping things neat), break the excess chocolate that pools around the base of the Oreo balls off, using either your hands or a knife. Place finished Oreo balls in an airtight container and keep in the fridge for an after dinner treat, or package for a delicious present (keep refrigerated).


DECORATIONS FOR EASY OREO BALLS If you're looking to jazz up the look of your Oreo balls even more, try out these fun decoration ideas. Make sure to add the deocation when te chocolate is still setting, otherwise it won't be stable on the top. Edible flowers - add a petal to each oreo ball after you coat it or add a drizzle. Add a sprinkle of Oreo crumbs Sprinkles chopped chocolate / chocolate shavings Caramel drizzle  A small mint leaf Sea salt Brush with edible glitter Desiccated coconut

Did you make this recipe? Tag us on Instagram @foodandhomesa!

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