Meet the Clover Little Big Cook Off judges!

June 3, 2014 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)
Clover Little Big Cook Off judges!

It’s an entirely new concept coming soon to a TV screen near you! A cooking show where children and their parents will go up against other food-loving families in a series of foodie challenges. Hosted by Zuraida Jardine with two all-star chef judges – Coco Reinarhz and Martin Kobald, Clover’s Little Big Cook Off (LBCO) airs on May 10 on SABC 3. Winners will walk away with a R300,000 kitchen makeover and an all expenses paid family holiday to Disneyland! Get more information here:

At the launch event for the show in Johannesburg, we caught up with the judges of the new show to find out what they will be looking for from the contestants.

Meet the Clover Little Big Cook Off judges:

First up… Coco Reinarhz

Clover Little Big Cook Off judges

Johannesburg-based chef extraordinaire Coco Reinarhz is a lover of all things local and pushes this element of traditional cooking into all his creations- specifically those coming out of the kitchens at his two restaurant Le Petit Sel Bistro and Sel et Poivre, and turning it into a fine-dining experience that is so aptly named as Afro-fusion.

Born in Burundi, Coco believes in all the diversity and richness that African food has to offer, and so in embracing the strong food movement that is taking place in South Africa he has dedicated his culinary mission to bringing the traditional combined with the contemporary to our plates.

He owes much of his inspiration to his family and the love for food that was created in his childhood kitchen- something which he believes was a true testament to the fine flavours of Africa.

Martin Kobald

Clover Little Big Cook Off judges!

The second chef to complete this expert panel is Austrian-born Martin Kobald. From start to finish Martin has strove for excellence- he completed his culinary training with outstanding achievement where he then worked his way from Trainee Chef to Head Chef in just a few short years. In 1988 he moved to South Africa and wowed the local public with his culinary skills, traditional cuisine and inspired foodie creations. His 33 High Street Restaurant & Bar has been the only place to go for South African’s to enjoy the authentic wonders of Austrian cuisine.

Kobald has also actively been involved with South African Chefs Association (SACA) since 1988 where he has worked both on and with the Board of Directors, and manages the portfolio for international promotions. He has loved and promoted South African cuisine around the globe, as widespread as Thailand, United States, United Emirates, China, Australia, Germany, Russia and Canada.

When asking Chef Martin what made him want to get involved with the LBCO competition his answer came in one quick and easy response “The Children”. Martin not only loves working with children but also loves the whole concept of children getting involved with food- from understanding where the food comes from to preparing it in the kitchen. Martin has previously been involved in child feeding schemes around the globe and has definitely found the satisfaction that comes with working with kids. “This project is a new and completely unique one; it comes with its own challenges and its own rewards- something I am really looking forward to”. Chef Martin also believes that cooking is a life-skill, one that we still see being neglected in households, The LBCO is a great way of instilling cooking as something that kids will be able to use and benefit from for the rest of their lives.

Martin will be looking for duos that are passionate, creative, energetic and have a great synergy when working together. Skill of course comes into play but it is more about how the parents can teach and work with their kids, and how well the children progress as they move along.

With these two judges at the helm, the contestants will have to produce some impressive dishes to stay in the running!
Keep an eye on Food & Home Entertaining’s social media channels for regular updates, Clover competitions and cooking tips from the show!

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