Homemade yoghurt & labneh

March 14, 2023 (Last Updated: March 13, 2023)
Homemade yoghurt & labhne

Homemade yoghurt & labneh

Why buy when you can make your own? Here’s how to master the basics of yoghurt and labneh making.


Homemade yoghurt 

TOTAL TIME 8 hours 15 minutes | MAKES 1 litre 



  • 4 cups full-cream unhomogenised milk
  • 2 tbsp full-fat milk powder  
  • ¼ cup yoghurt with live cultures (lactobacillus bulgaricus and streptococcus thermophilus)



STIR full-cream unhomogenised milk and full-fat milk powder in a large pot over medium heat until 80°C on a cooking thermometer. (At this temperature the milk will form a skin, but it should not be allowed to simmer or boil.) 

HALF fill a sink with iced water. Place the pan in the water; stir until the milk cools to 35°C.

FILL a thermos with boiling water; seal. Remove the pan from the water, add ¼ cup yoghurt with live cultures (lactobacillus bulgaricus and streptococcus thermophilus), whisk to combine. Empty the thermos; pour in yoghurt mixture. 

SEAL; stand for 8 hours or until yoghurt has thickened. 

POUR into a clean container, stir until smooth; label and date. Keep refrigerated for up to 2 weeks.


Homemade labneh

TOTAL TIME 24 hours 5 minutes | MAKES 1 cup



  • 560 g homemade yoghurt/ greek yoghurt 



PLACE a sieve over a small bowl; line with muslin. Spoon homemade yoghurt or greek yoghurt into muslin; gather into a ball, secure with string or an elastic band.

REFRIGERATE for 24 hours or until thickened.

TRANSFER labneh to a small airtight container; label and date. (Use leftover whey in smoothies or add to soups.)

KEEP refrigerated for up to 2 weeks. 


FOOD TEAM TIP: For vanilla-flavoured labneh, stir the scraped seeds from 1 vanilla bean into the labneh at the end.


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ALSO SEE: Homemade vegan yoghurt

Homemade Vegan yoghurt

Feature image: Aremedia

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