How to make your home smell great

December 21, 2022 (Last Updated: December 22, 2022)

No matter how clean and tidy your home is, there are always scents that develop naturally and end up overpowering the smell of cleaning products. Some smells are more pleasant than others, like the aroma of baked goods compared to the smell your dog brings in after being out in the rain.

We all want our houses to smell clean but not overly sterile, to be pleasant and inviting to any guests that might come over. In this article, we will go over some easy ways to make your home smell amazing.

Bake vanilla essence

If you want your home to smell like walking into a bakery, all you need is some vanilla essence and y0ur oven. Add a capful of vanilla and some water to a ramekin, then place it on a baking sheet and bake it in a warm oven for about 20-30 minutes. This will result in a subtle, cozy scent that is reminiscent of freshly baked cookies.

Diffuse essential oils

Adding some essential oils to a diffuser is a great way to make sure your house is always smelling good. The best aspects of this are that you can play around with different scents, and the result will be chemical-free and better for the environment than typical aerosol sprays.

Try potpourri

Potpourri is a mixture of flower petals and spices which give off a great smell. It is super easy to make at home, and gives off a super subtle but pleasant scent. For those who aren’t into bowls of dried stuff gathering dust, another great hack is to try simmering potpourri on the stove! There are loads of recipes for stovetop potpourri with different aromas, like spiced apple or citrus.

Use fragrant plants

If you’re wanting to improve the smell of your house, think about the kinds of flowers and plants that you keep. A super easy way to have a divine-smelling home is to use fragrant plants like jasmine, eucalyptus, or lavender. This will ensure that your home always has the natural scent of a beautiful garden.

Get rid of existing odours

One of the most important ways to make sure that your home smells good is to eliminate anything that smells bad. To do this, try some tricks for eliminating odours like sprinkling bicarbonate of soda into your garbage bin or placing a dish of ground coffee into your fridge to absorb any unwanted smells.

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Featured Image: Oscar Helgstrand Via Unsplash

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