Sources to Carb Curb feature in April 2017 issue

March 10, 2017
Sources to Carb Curb feature in April 2017 issue
  1. USDA Food Composition Data base. Accessed 09-02-2017:
  2. Fruit and vegetables: Avoid them at your peril. Nutrition Information Centre University of Stellenbosch. Accessed 2014
  3. Toor RK, Savage GP. Antioxidant activity in different fractions of tomatoes. Food Research International 38 (2005) 487 – 494. Accessed:
  4. Takeoka GR et al. Processing effects on lycopene content and antioxidant activity of tomatoes. J Agri Food Chem. 2001 Aug;49(8):3713-7
  5. Ware M. Pumpkin: Health Benefits and Nutritional Breakdown. Medical News Today. 2016 Oct. Accessed 12 February 2017:

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