Staffords VIP Sauce Baked Eggs & Sausage

September 27, 2022
Staffords VIP Sauce Baked Eggs & Sausage

Staffords VIP Sauce Baked Eggs & Sausage

A  beloved favourite , a classic Staffords VIP- South Africa’s Favorite Brown Sauce. Staffords VIP- South Africa’s brown sauce of choice, with its rich tanginess and aromatic fruit notes, is the perfect sauce to add to roasts, casseroles, stews, or to use for marinades and bastings.Try this Staffords VIP Sauce Baked Eggs & Sausage recipe

Staffords VIP Sauce Baked Eggs & Sausage


Staffords VIP Sauce Baked Eggs & Sausage



  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 onions, sliced
  • 2 tsp smoked paprika
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 100g spicy chorizo, sliced
  • ½ cup Staffords VIP Sauce 
  • 1 x 400g tin Italian chopped tomatoes
  • 100g cherry tomatoes, sliced in half 
  • 3 large free-range eggs
  • Salt and pepper, to taste 
  • Fresh parsley and dill to serve 


PREHEAT oven to 220˚C.

HEAT the oil in a large oven safe frying pan and add the onions.

FRY for a few minutes until starting to soften. 

STIR  in the paprika and garlic -cook for 2 minutes.

ADD the chorizo and turn up the heat, allowing the sausage to get some golden crispy bits.

ADD the VIP sauce and stir to combine, then add the chopped tomatoes. 

TURN  down the heat and simmer for 10 minutes until the sauce thickens.

STIR the cherry tomatoes into the sauce and season well. 

MAKE 3 indentations in the sauce, then crack an egg into each. 

PLACE the pan into the hot oven for 7-10 minutes, until the whites are set but the yolks are still runny. 


Check out their website  

Follow them on instagram @staffordssa


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