Support Local Seafood with ABALOBI

May 16, 2022 (Last Updated: May 18, 2022)
Abalobi fish

Fish with a story

Buying ethically caught fish has never been this simple. We first came across ABALOBI when word of a new ‘fish-buying’ app was going around. After downloading it to see what the fuss was about, we were, to put it mildly, HOOKED!

ABALOBI has unveiled a new convenience range of deli products, including Cape Bream, Yellowtail, Carpenter and Southern Mullet. This new range of filleted or portioned ‘Fish With A Story’ is delivered vacuum-packed and blast-frozen for guaranteed freshness – available for order via the ABALOBI Marketplace app, and soon through partners. This ensures that the fish arrives to the consumer fresh and ready to use!


ABALOBI is a South African-based, global social enterprise that elevates small-scale fishing communities through fisher-owned data and the joint development of Technology For Good. Iain Campbell from ABALOBI says that whilst the brand remains committed to the concept of supplying whole fresh fish, the range of Fish With A Story deli products seeks to add an element of convenience to the responsible eating mix.

“For many home cooks, the prospect of filleting and deboning a whole fish can be daunting,” he says. “For those looking to eat responsibly without having to work on their knife skills, the new range allows us to remain true to our core ethos while minimising wastage and retaining ultimate freshness of our excellent South African seafood”.

All offcuts are also used throughout ABALOBI’s multi-channel marketplace and community initiatives. Campbell says that blast-freezing freezes fresh fish, on the day it is caught, is much faster than an ordinary home freezer. “The process locks in the key qualities and nutrients to ensure that when the product is defrosted, the fish appears like it was never frozen and the taste, texture, colour and nutritional make-up are uncompromised,” he says.

ABALOBI’s new range of products

The new convenience deli range takes its place alongside ABALOBI’s traditional offering of fresh, whole ‘Catch of the day’ fish – and fish-related pantry products from the various communities including sea-lettuce salt, rollmops and bokkom biltong – all available for order via the app. Important to note is that small-scale fishing is extremely seasonal, with small boats only being able to venture out to sea when the conditions are good. These products allow customers to support fishers along our coastlines by buying the deli-products throughout the year, or even stocking up ahead of a cold front.

Fish and tech

Upon delivery, consumers can ascertain the source of their seafood by scanning a QR code that accompanies each fish on the label to access who the fisher was, where and when the fish was caught, as well as full pricing transparency – including the exact portion of the purchase that ended up in the fisher’s pocket. A second QR codes links directly to a recipe on

Home deliveries are currently only offered in specific regions of the Western Cape, but Campbell says that ABALOBI hopes to expand the offering in the future, and is actively exploring partnerships across the country.

How to get the ABALOBI app

Download the app on Google Play or App Store and register for free to start orderingFish With A Story.


ALSO SEE: Miso & Ginger Fish

Miso and Ginger Whole Fish



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