Fruity Hibiscus Tea Soda

March 25, 2022 (Last Updated: March 23, 2022)
Fruity Hibiscus tea soda

Feel super fresh with this Fruity Hibiscus Tea Soda! Be ready to make the most of the last summer days with this refreshing ice tea, perfect for a get together or to store and use as needed!

PREP TIME 5 minutes (+ cooling & refrigeration) | MAKES 2 cups concentrate and 2 litres (8 cups) hibiscus soda


  • 1 tbsp hibiscus tea
  • 1 tsp vanilla bean paste
  • 2 cups boiling water
  • Mineral water, or filler of choice


1. Place the hibiscus tea into a heatproof jug with the vanilla bean paste.

2. Add the boiling water, then leave to cool.

3. Strain the hibiscus tea concentrate through a fine mesh sieve or muslin cloth and refrigerate to cool completely.

4. To use, combine 1 cup concentrate to 1 litre mineral water.

*NOTE Hibiscus tea has a fruity, sweet tang, and vanilla has the ability to make things taste sweeter.

If you aren’t into the  fruity flavour of hibiscus tea, go wild with your own flavour additions. Add a different kind of tea like berry, ginger or lemon, or add further flavouring such as orange zest,  cucumber or fruit juice. That’s the beauty of ice teas, you can customize them to your liking!


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