Cherry, rosehip and hibiscus sherbet

October 6, 2016
Spiced peach sherbet

This summer, we’re loving sherbets! Not the powdery, sticky finger-inducing sherbets of our childhoods, but the icy type, which is somewhere between a sorbet and an ice cream. Cherry, rosehip and hibiscus sherbet is the perfect way to embrace cherry season! The beautiful plum colour comes from the floral tea bags, which complement the cherry flavour perfectly.

Strictly speaking, sorbets don’t contain any dairy, and ice creams are cream-based. Sherbets are fruity and contain a little milk fat – the perfect canvas for experimenting with interesting flavour combinations. 

Cherry, rosehip and hibiscus sherbet


  • 750ml (3 cups) milk
  • 200g sugar
  • 5ml (1 tsp) vanilla essence
  • 5 rosehip and hibiscus tea bags
  • 500g cherries, pitted



Place the milk, sugar, vanilla essence and rosehip and hibiscus tea bags in a saucepan and bring to a boil.


Remove from heat and strain the mixture, discarding the tea bags. Blitz in a food processor along with the cherries.


Once the mixture has cooled, churn in an ice-cream churner according to manufacturer’s instructions. Alternatively, place the mixture in a freezer-proof container in the freezer and whisk every hour to break up any ice crystals that may form, until frozen.

ALSO TRY: Lemongrass and basil sherbet

PLUS: Spiced peach sherbet


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