Death by chocolate milkshake

September 28, 2016 (Last Updated: February 8, 2017)
death by chocolate milkshakes

Having your dessert is no longer enough! It is time to dig into temptation and eat it, drink it, dunk it and sink it. This Death by Chocolate Milkshake taunts and tempts even the most disciplined of appetites. It’s all of your chocolate dreams come true. And in just 10 minutes, you can have your dessert and drink it too! 

Death by chocolate milkshake

Serves: 2
Cooking Time: 10 mins


  • Espresso syrup:

  • 125ml (½ cup) freshly brewed espresso
  • 60ml (¼ cup) sugar
  • 60ml (¼ cup) water
  • Chocolate Halloween bark:

  • 100g dark chocolate, melted + extra, to decorate
  • orange powder colouring (optional)
  • 50g white chocolate, melted
  • variety of Halloween-coloured
  • sweets and sprinkles, to decorate
  • Chocolate whipped cream:

  • 125ml (½ cup) fresh cream, whipped
  • 50g dark chocolate, melted
  • Milkshake:

  • 4 scoops chocolate ice cream
  • 250ml (1 cup) milk
  • To serve:

  • 2 – 4 white marshmallows
  • chocolate vermicelli (grains)
  • 2 mini doughnuts



For the syrup, bring the espresso, sugar and water to a boil in a saucepan, stirring continuously to dissolve the sugar. Remove from heat and allow to cool.


For the bark, spread the 100g melted dark chocolate thinly onto a sheet of greaseproof paper, using a palette knife. Stir the orange powder colouring through the white chocolate, if desired. Drizzle and swirl the (orange) chocolate over the dark chocolate. Scatter with the Halloween sweets and sprinkles and allow to set completely. Break into shards.


For the chocolate whipped cream, mix of the whipped cream into the 50g melted dark chocolate and fold in the remaining cream until combined.


To prepare the milkshake glasses, dip the rims of the glasses into the extra melted chocolate and roll in vermicelli. Divide the espresso syrup between the glasses, keeping a little, to garnish. Toast the marshmallows using a blowtorch or place them on a tray in the oven under a preheated hot grill, until golden brown.


For the milkshake, blitz the ice cream and milk in a blender until smooth and pour into the glasses over the espresso syrup.


To serve, pipe the chocolate cream over the top. Pierce the doughnuts with a straw and pop it into your milkshakes. Top with the toasted marshmallows and broken chocolate bark. Drizzle with the remaining espresso syrup before serving.

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