Fried banana split with coconut yoghurt and home-made granola

January 28, 2020 (Last Updated: January 23, 2020)
Fried banana split with coconut yoghurt and home-made granola

Perfect for a weekend brunch.

Recipe and styling by Robyn Timson Moss

Photograph by Dylan Swart

Fried banana split with coconut yoghurt and home-made granola

Serves: 4
Total Time: 4 hrs + overnight, to dry granola



  • 100g (½ cup) quinoa
  • 110g (½ cup) buckwheat
  • 50g (¼ cup) each amaranth and millet
  • 55g (¼ cup) teff
  • 1 x 150g tin cooked spelt, drained
  • 120g (1 cup) gluten-free rolled oats
  • 80g coconut flakes + extra, to garnish
  • 45g (¼ cup) each brown and golden flaxseeds/linseeds
  • 35g (¼ cup) each hemp seeds and sesame seeds
  • 60ml (¼ cup) coconut oil, melted
  • 60ml (¼ cup) maple syrup + extra, to garnish
  • 70g (¾ cup) unsalted walnuts
  • 110g (¾ cup) unsalted cashew nuts
  • 125ml (½ cup) freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 1 tsp salt

  • 4 bananas
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 600g coconut yoghurt/plain cultured coconut
  • 130g (1 cup) fresh blueberries/frozen blueberries, defrosted
  • vegan chocolate sauce (optional)



For the granola, following their packaging instructions, parboil each of the grains separately until almost cooked but grains are still separate and have some bite. Drain very well. In a medium mixing bowl, combine the quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, millet, teff and spelt.


Preheat the oven to 120°C. Line a heavy oven tray with a silicone baking sheet/baking paper. Spread the grains over the lined tray. Bake until the remaining liquid in the grains has evaporated, 1 – 2 hours. Once the grains are fluffy and almost dry, remove from oven. Lower the oven temperature to 110°C. Transfer the grains to a very large mixing bowl and combine well with remaining granola ingredients.


Line the same oven tray with a fresh silicone baking sheet/baking paper. Spread the mixture over the lined tray and place in the oven until the granola is lightly toasted, about 2 hours. Reduce the heat to 60°C and leave in the oven overnight to dry out completely.


The next morning, allow the granola to cool completely, then place in an airtight container.


For the banana split, peel the bananas and halve lengthways. In a frying pan placed over medium heat, add the 2 tbsp coconut oil. Fry the banana halves until lightly golden.


To serve, place 2 banana halves in each bowl. Top with the coconut yoghurt/cultured coconut, blueberries and a few spoons of the granola. Garnish with the coconut flakes and vegan chocolate sauce, if desired, or a drizzle of maple syrup.

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