Galaxy doughnuts

February 9, 2017 (Last Updated: March 13, 2017)
Galaxy doughnuts recipe

These out-of-this-world treats are orbiting social media platforms – making us all starry-eyed and dreamy. We are totally besotted with galaxy doughnuts – as magical as the Milky Way! Easy to make, they simply comprise a few different batches of coloured icing, a quick swirl and there you have a showstopper bake. If your confidence levels aren’t skyrocketing to give it a go on your own, there are plenty of videos and tutorials in the cosmos online to aid you in achieving the perfect swirl of the night sky.

Words, recipe and styling by Sarah Dall

Photograph by Myburgh du Plessis 

Galaxy doughnuts

Serves: 8
Cooking Time: 20 mins


  • 3 extra-large egg whites
  • 300g icing sugar, sieved + extra, to dust
  • few drops purple gel colouring
  • few drops turquoise gel colouring
  • few drops midnight blue gel colouring
  • few drops navy blue gel colouring
  • 8 plain doughnuts



Whisk the egg whites to stiff peak stage. Add a tablespoon of icing sugar at a time, whisking continuously. Continue this process until you have a thick, glossy meringue-like icing.


Divide the mixture among four bowls and colour each bowl of icing with a few drops of the different hues of gel colouring. Place dollops of the various coloured icings together in a larger bowl. Using a skewer, give the icings a gentle swirl.


Dunk the doughnuts generously into the swirled icing and set aside. Dust with icing sugar and serve.


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