Mince-pie kisses

December 4, 2017
mince pie kisses

This is a new take on the classic Italian kisses and would make great petits fours for after your Christmas dinner

Recipe by Michael Deg and Andre  Steyn

Photograph by Bruce Tuck

For the classic mincemeat:

Makes 500g EASY 10 mins


110g blackcurrants

110g black seedless raisins

110g green apples, chopped

110g sultanas

25g mixed candied peel, chopped

15ml (1 tbsp) brandy

zest and juice of ½ lemon

pinch ground cinnamon

pinch ground nutmeg

pinch ground cloves

110g beef suet (optional; ask your local butcher)


Combine everything in a large bowl and mix thoroughly.

Store in sterilised, airtight containers. This will keep until next Christmas!


This is best made 2 weeks in advance so the flavours can mature.

Mince-pie kisses



  • 500ml (2 cups) milk
  • 125g castor sugar
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 60ml (¼ cup) classic mincemeat (see recipe above)

  • 150ml fresh cream
  • 750g dark chocolate, finely chopped
  • 35ml brandy
  • 225g butter
  • 200g fresh raspberries, dried out in a 60°C oven overnight, blended to fine dust and sifted, to serve
  • 100g shelled pistachios, dried out in a 120°C oven for 30 minutes, cooled for 10 minutes before blending to a fine dust and sifted, to serve



For the ice cream, place the milk in a saucepan over medium heat and slowly bring to a boil.


Meanwhile, whisk the sugar and egg yolks together until light and fluffy. Pour the boiling milk slowly into the egg mixture, whisking continuously. Pour back into the saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring continuously until the mixture coats the back of a spoon, about 5 minutes. Pass through a sieve into a bowl and set over ice to chill. Churn in an ice-cream machine according to manufacturer’s instructions.


Just before it sets, stir in the mincemeat. If you do not have an ice-cream machine, place in a freezer-proof container and put in the freezer. Stir every 30 minutes to break up any ice crystals. Just before frozen, stir in the mincemeat, then allow to freeze overnight.


For the ganache, bring the cream to a boil. Once boiling, remove from heat and slowly add the chocolate, whisking continuously. Add the brandy, then the butter, a little at a time, whisking continuously to form a smooth ganache. Allow to cool and set a little.


While the ganache is cooling, use a melon baller to scoop the ice cream into balls. Place in the freezer.


Use a toothpick to dip the frozen ice-cream balls into the ganache to coat completely, then quickly return to the freezer to set.


Once set, roll in the raspberry or pistachio dust. You can also keep some plain. Freeze until ready to serve.


Always keep ice cream at 14°C. Use leftover ganache to make chocolate truffles. If pressed for time, you can use store-bought ice cream – just soften it before adding to the mincemeat.

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