Peppermint Crisp ice-cream cake

August 14, 2017 (Last Updated: July 30, 2018)
Peppermint Crisp ice-cream cake

One of South Africa’s most-loved desserts, the Peppermint Crisp tart, gets a grown-up makeover that makes it the perfect indulgence for a warm, summer’s day. We love that you only need 9 ingredients to whip up this masterpiece.

The proof of this nostalgic classic-turned-vogue dessert lies in its legacy, taking a contemporary turn for the even better.

Recipes, styling and photograph by Hein van Tonder

Peppermint Crisp ice-cream cake


  • 1 x 200g packet Bakers
  • Tennis Biscuits
  • 75g butter, melted
  • 2L good-quality vanilla ice cream
  • 1 x 360g tin Nestlé Caramel Treat
  • large pinch salt
  • 5ml (1 tsp) peppermint extract
  • 300g Nestlé Peppermint Crisp
  • chocolate, broken into small pieces



Line a 22cm-diameter loosebottomed cake tin with baking paper as follows: Disassemble the tin and line the removable disc base with baking paper, 2cm wider than the base. Replace the removable base with the baking paper rim sticking out on the outside. This will make it easier to transfer the cake from the tin. Make a collar for the inside walls of the tin, a few cm higher than the cake tin edge. Grease with a little butter or non-stick spray to make the paper stick. Place the cake tin in the freezer to chill.


Make the tart crust by placing the biscuits in a food processor and blitzing them; alternatively, crush them with a rolling pin until fine. Mix in the melted butter. (You want the biscuit mixture to clump together – add a little more butter, if needed.) Spoon into the base of the tin, level with the back of a spoon and press down with your fingers or fist to make sure the crust is packed tightly. Return the cake tin to the freezer for a set, compacted base.


Remove the ready-made vanilla ice cream from the freezer and scoop out ½ of the ice cream into a large bowl. Return the remaining ½ of the ice cream to the freezer. Add the tinned caramel and a large pinch salt to the bowl with the vanilla ice cream and mix until a smooth consistency is achieved.


Spoon the caramel mixture onto the biscuit base, level with the back of a spoon and place in the freezer, at least 3 hours or until the ice cream has frozen hard enough for the next layer to go on top, without sinking into the caramel mixture.


Remove the remaining store-bought vanilla ice cream from the freezer, allow to soften at room temperature, and mix in the peppermint extract and ½ of the peppermint chocolate pieces. Mix until smooth and spoon the peppermint chocolate ice cream over the caramel ice cream layer. Cover with cling film and freeze, at least 6 hours or overnight, until the ice cream cake has frozen through.


Once the ice cream cake is ready to serve, remove from freezer. Gently disassemble the tin. Lift the cake off the disc base, gently peel off the baking paper and transfer to a serving platter with the biscuit base at the bottom. Remove the baking paper collar around the cake and serve the cake sprinkled with the remaining peppermint chocolate pieces.

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