Smoothie flapjacks

July 6, 2018
smoothie flapjacks

These tasty brunch or teatime delights are made with a rainbow Swiss chard, berry and chocolate smoothie – the perfect way to get in some greens!

Makes 16 (Serves 4) EASY 25 mins

Blitz 150g sliced rainbow Swiss chard, 2 (240g) medium bananas, 250g Greek yoghurt, 80g raw cashews, 60g honey and 30ml (2 tbsp) cocoa powder together in a food processor until smooth. Blitz in 160g self-raising flour and 2 large eggs.  Add 200g frozen berries and pulse to combine. Stir in 60g rolled oats and 10ml (2 tsp) chia seeds. Heat a glug olive oil in a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Add large dollops of the batter and fry, 1 minute per side or until bubbles appear on the surface. Drain on paper towel. Serve the flapjacks with 250g Greek yoghurt, 200g defrosted berries and a drizzle honey. Dust with cocoa powder, if desired.


Serve the smoothie flapjacks with ready-made chocolate ice cream and salted caramel sauce to turn it into a decadent dessert.

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