Twisted marshmallow Swiss roll

June 11, 2019 (Last Updated: May 9, 2019)
Twisted marshmallow Swiss roll

Try this dessert the next time you have friends over – it’s a real treat!

Recipe, styling and photograph by Katelyn Allegra

Assisted by Cassandra Upton and Sophia-Maria Eygelaar

Twisted marshmallow Swiss roll

Serves: 4 – 6
Total Time: 1 hr 30 mins



  • 100g (5) large egg yolks
  • 9g (2 tsp) sugar
  • 115g (4) large egg whites
  • 75g castor sugar + extra, to sprinkle
  • 55g potato starch/rice flour, sifted
  • pinch salt
  • 50g (⅓ cup) cake flour
  • pale pink and pale yellow gel food colouring

  • 250g white marshmallows
  • 15ml (1 tbsp) water



For the sponge, preheat the oven to 200˚C. Line a 30 x 15cm baking sheet with baking paper. Set aside until needed.


Use a free-standing mixer or an electric hand-held beater to whisk the egg yolks and sugar together until the mixture reaches ribbon stage. Set aside until needed.


Place the egg whites, castor sugar, 30g of the potato starch/rice flour and the pinch of salt in the bowl of a hand-held/stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Whisk on medium speed until soft peaks form. 4 Gently fold ⅓ of this mixture into the egg yolk mixture. Once incorporated, fold this into the remaining egg white mixture. Set aside until needed.


Sift the cake flour and remaining potato starch/rice flour together twice. Sift ⅓ of this mixture into the egg mixture. Gently fold until incorporated. Repeat twice more until all of the dry mixture has been folded into the egg mixture and a smooth dough forms.


Divide the dough among two bowls, being careful not to knock too much air out of the dough as you do so. Colour one 1/2 of the dough with the pale pink food colouring and the other 1/2 with the pale yellow food colouring.


Spoon the coloured dough into separate piping bags, each fitted with a plain piping nozzle. Carefully pipe long diagonal strips of dough in the prepared baking sheet, alternating the colours as you go. Bake in the preheated oven until lightly golden and springy to the touch, about 12 – 15 minutes. Remove from oven and sprinkle with the castor sugar. Cover with a large sheet of baking paper and, using oven gloves, quickly flip it over. Remove the baking sheet and set aside.


For the filling, place the white marshmallows and water in a large microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on high, stirring occasionally, until melted. Spread the marshmallow mixture over the sponge.


Using the baking paper as a rough guide, tightly roll the sponge into a sausage shape. Neaten the ends with a sharp knife. Transfer to a serving platter. Serve immediately.


Ribbon stage, or sabayon consistency, is a culinary term used to describe how well egg yolks and sugar have been mixed together. You know you’ve reached ribbon stage when the mixture turns pale yellow in colour and falls in thick ribbons – which slowly disappear into the mixture – off a spoon or whisk attachment.

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