Shawarma spice-marinated tuna with artichoke salad

June 17, 2019 (Last Updated: June 16, 2019)
Shawarma spice-marinated tuna with artichoke salad

Recipe and styling by Joe Barza

Photograph by Justin Dingwall

Shawarma spice-marinated tuna with artichoke salad

Serves: 4
Cooking Time: 1 hr + 24 hrs, to marinate



  • 125ml (½ cup) freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 25g red pepper paste (find at
  • 3g white pepper
  • 3g ground cloves
  • 3g allspice
  • 1g crushed cardamom
  • 1g miskeh (find at your local Middle-Eastern store)
  • 30g salt
  • 100ml red wine vinegar
  • 20g mustard
  • 400ml corn oil (find at
  • 15g orange peel
  • 15g lemon peel
  • 25g tahini
  • 100g laban ayran (find at your local Middle-Eastern store)
  • 50g onion, peeled and chopped
  • TUNA

  • 1kg fresh tuna

  • 200g artichoke hearts, cut into small cubes
  • 100g cucumber, diced
  • 40g pomegranate rubies + extra, to garnish
  • 2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • edible flowers, to garnish
  • glazed balsamic vinegar, to garnish



For the shawarma marinade, combine all the ingredients in a large bowl. Mix until well combined. Transfer to a large stainless-steel container. Set aside until needed.


For the tuna, heat a griddle pan until hot. Grill the tuna until seared, 2 – 3 minutes on each side. Transfer to the stainless-steel container and set aside to marinate for 24 hours.


For the artichoke salad, mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl.


To serve, slice the marinated tuna into bite-sized squares. Divide the artichoke salad among 4 serving plates. Top each portion with a few tuna pieces. Garnish with the pomegranate rubies, edible flowers and a drizzle of glazed balsamic vinegar.

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