Get your home decor 2023 approved – the trends you need to know

November 10, 2022 (Last Updated: November 9, 2022)

No one ‘just’ has it all together when it comes to style, fashion, or decor. We’ve got you covered, though.

Creating beautiful spaces in your home is something that just makes coming home after a long day or having family over for a meal a wonderful experience. They say home is where the heart is, so let’s make the home a beautiful space so that the heart can be happy.

We’re breaking down 2023’s hottest trends in decor and how to implement them into your home with ease. It’s always important to remember that no matter what the trend is, you need to consider your personal style and interpret the trend from there.

Workplace chic

Working from home is still a reality to many. Even though some people are back in the office, the hybrid model is still being used by many companies. If it’s here to stay, why not make your workspace at home super stylish? Add a few planters and a nice rug to make your space comfortable and durable.

Image: ergonofis via Unsplash

Art Deco maximised

Stepping away from being too minimal? Like all things in style, we always move forward by looking back! Elements of colour, and a geometric focus in patterns and prints are what the new decor focus will be in your home spaces.

Image: Alexandra Gorn via Unsplash

Zen space

Wellness and well-being are very important in our everyday lives. Family, work, and all our other responsibilities can become so overwhelming that having a zen space at home is essential. There is now a huge trend towards cultivating this space within your home. Filled with natural light, neutral colours that create an ‘outside’ inside space, and a space where self-care is your number one focus.

Image: Christopher Jolly via Unsplash

Monochrome palette

A monochrome palette creates a more focused space. Because of the limited colours, the space becomes more defined and steady. Whether you prefer different shades and tones of a colour or just the colour itself, creating a soft gradient in the layering of furniture creates a beautiful space.

Image: avery klein via Unsplash

ALSO SEE: Quick ideas for kitchen counter decor

Quick ideas for kitchen counter decor

Written by Rojaun Devos for  Woman&Home.

Feature image: Minh Pham via Unsplash

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