Food Meander 2018: A night to remember

November 10, 2018 (Last Updated: June 6, 2019)
Food Meander

Good company, great wine and exceptional food is what we’re all about and, so, it comes as no surprise that our 2018 Food Meander in partnership with Melrose Arch was curated with exactly these points in mind.

On Tuesday, 6 November 2018, we gathered for a night out on the town, kicking things off at the uber-stylish Melrose Gallery for canapés and welcome drinks. Having set the bar high, our groups of fabulous foodies meandered towards the feasts that awaited them at March, Moyo and The Grillhouse restaurants.

Along with scrumptious menus and refreshments, a good host is what makes an evening stand out from the crowd. Our charismatic MC, Nomalanga Sithole, surely proved this to be true! Not only did she entertain the crowd with her perky quirks, but she also had a number of wonderful prizes up her sleeve for a few lucky wanderers. Some were luckier than others, but everyone went home winners with their jaw-dropping, jam-packed goodie bags in hand.

It was a privilege to experience the camaraderie that exists in passing plates and sharing anecdotes around a table – friends of food, we hope you enjoyed the evening as much as we loved hosting it!

A big thanks to Melrose Arch, all participating restaurants and our fabulous sponsors!

Photographs by Esther Boersma


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