Rise and grind: master the art of coffee with your own home coffee station

May 15, 2023 (Last Updated: April 26, 2023)
Coffee station

Who doesn’t love the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning? It’s the one thing that can make even the grumpiest goblin crack a smile. Coffee is more than just a drink, it’s a way of life. It’s a ritual that we all cherish and depend on, especially when we’re feeling like zombies in the morning.

If you’re a coffee lover like me, then you’ve probably considered setting up a coffee station at home. You know, like the ones you see in hotel rooms? Not only will it save you from spending a fortune at the cafe, but it will also make you feel like a fancy barista in the comfort of your own home. Plus, having a coffee station is a great excuse to get your creative juices flowing and experiment with different flavours and roasts.


Let’s get into how you can set up your own coffee station at home!

Pick your devices

First things first, you’ll need a coffee maker. There are so many options out there, it can be overwhelming. From the classic drip coffee percolator to the fancy espresso machine, it’s important to choose one that fits your lifestyle and budget.

You can also consider other coffee-making devices, like a French press or a pour-over coffee maker. These options might require a bit more effort, but trust me, the end results are worth it. Plus, you’ll feel like a real coffee connoisseur when you can serve coffee straight from the press.

ALSO SEE: Why it’s important to clean your coffee grinder and how to do so


It’s all about the beans

Next, you’ll need to choose your coffee.

This is where things get exciting. Do you want to go for the convenience of coffee pods (if you have a pod friendly machine) or do you want to grind your own beans for a fresher taste? You can also buy ground coffee which is great, but a little less fresh. There are so many options to choose from, it all depends on your taste preferences. I love a French coffee press, with freshly ground beans.

READ MORE: The surprising differences between light and dark roast coffee

If you’re looking for good quality coffee, there are some great brands available locally! Check out Truth, Okja and Bluebird.

Must-have add-ons

The add-ons are important. Unless you like your coffee black without any sweetener, you can’t complete the perfect java without them.

Stock up on sugar, honey, cream, and milk for customising your coffee to your liking. Personally, I like to keep a bit of cinnamon around for some extra flavour. You do you. If you’re feeling adventurous, why not try almond or oat milk for a dairy-friendly twist?

READ MORE: Wake up and get your coffee fix! This is your ultimate guide to types of coffee

Remember, honey and sugar can always stay by your station for ease of use, but milks and creams should be kept in the fridge to preserve freshness.


You’ve gotta have the right mug!

How can you make a good cuppa without a strong vessel? That’s where the mug comes in. Here’s where you get to show off your personal style and creativity. Whether you go for a classic white mug or something more colourful and quirky, your reflects your personality.

Personally, I love these one-of-a-kind ceramic mugs from Kiln House. Supporting local is always best!

Having a coffee station at home is a game-changer for any coffee lover. It’s a way to save money, indulge in your favourite beverage, and feel like a fancy barista all at once. Remember, life is too short to drink bad coffee.

ALSO SEE: Morale Coffee To Go: The unmissable gem in the middle of nowhere

Morale Coffee To Go: The unmissable gem in the middle of nowhere

Written by Savanna Douglas for Woman&Home.

Feature Image: Getty Images

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