Chia seeds vs flax seeds: which one is healthier?

June 19, 2023
Chia seeds and flax seeds

Chia and flax seeds are healthy seeds that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and magnesium. They are popular  additions to smoothies, cereals, and salads due to their possible health advantages. They are simple to blend with other foods thanks to their size and mild flavour.

High fiber content in the seeds can help with digestion. According to Harvard School of Public Health, they might also assist in lowering a person’s risk of developing heart disease and normalizing blood sugar levels. The nutritional value of flaxseeds and chia seeds is comparable. Significant health advantages have been linked to chia seeds in studies, but the majority of those studies focus on flax seeds rather than chia seeds.

Benefits of Chia and flax seeds 

Eating nutritious foods is essential for overall health. Some research has shown that flax and chia seeds also offer some of the following health benefits: improved digestion, stabilise blood sugar, reduced risk of heart disease.

Is one better than the other?

Chia and flax seeds have comparable nutritional characteristics and established health advantages. People who decide to use seeds to relieve constipation could prefer flax. There is increasing evidence now that flax seeds can relieve constipation, a study in revealed.

According to the National Library of Medicine, flax may help prevent cancer. More study is required, even though experimental studies have linked a diet high in flax to constrained tumour growth and dissemination.

Chia and flax seeds both offer fiber and have a comparable nutritional profile, so there is no right or wrong choice. People are free to select the seeds they prefer.

ALSO SEE: How to sprout seeds

Tips and tricks: How to sprout seeds

Written by Ncumisa Lerato Kunana for BONA.

Feature image: Getty

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