Get To Know Liziwe Matloha

September 25, 2022 (Last Updated: September 14, 2022)
liziwe matloha

She’s a family woman with a passion for food and her career highlights speak volumes, we get to know the powerhouse that is Liziwe Matloha.

Liziwe Matloha was born and raised in Potchefstroom. Shortly after obtaining her first college qualification and getting married, she relocated to Johannesburg, where she dipped her toes in retail work. “After that, I went and studied Media ad Boston Media House and worked in marketing and advertising, and finally accumulated finance to pursue a diploma in culinary arts from Capsicum Culinary Studios.

Today, Liziwe is a mother of three, a wife, an entrepreneur, chef, cookbook author, freelance food writer and cookery class host. She shares what her journey to success looked like, and what she’s worked towards next.

liziwe matloha

The Journey to the food industry

“The earliest memory I have of making food was being at home around the age of 13, where we were required to take turns with cooking and house chores. I remember Sundays were absolutely exciting for me and my sisters, as this would be the day where we get to eat a decent meal with meat and veggies,” Liziwe shares. “this for me also meant an opportunity to explore and try out new recipes that I either saw served form a friends’ home, at an event or in a magazine.”

While she didn’t always necessarily have all the ingredients stipulated in the recipe, Liziwe wouldn’t let that stop her from exploring with dishes. “I can’t say that passion for cooking is a family  thing, as my other siblings just cook to eat and survive. I, on the other hand, am more into detail, flavours and good-tasting food.”

One of her earliest recollection was a steamed ginger puddings that she made for her late father, made from a recipe that came from her grandmother. “My dad really loved it. I got really curious about how to make it. I just remember how it made me feel when he said it was delicious.”

Before enrolling at a culinary institution, Liziwe worked in the advertising and marketing industry. When she eventually pursued her passion, her aim was to write books and host cookery classes after graduating. “As challenging as it was for me, I did exactly that”, she shares.

“I created social media pages for my brand, which soon scored me an interview at Metro FM. That changed the whole game for me – form that interview i was invited to more radio stations, TV shows, magazine features, food demos and a whole lot of other platforms. This gave me so much confidence and encouraged me to enter cooking competitions that led me to win Drum Magazine Food Ambassador.” The rest, as they say, is history and Liziwe’s career continues to flourish today.

Dinner at Matloha’s, and more

One of Liziwe’s career ventures is Dinner at Matloha’s: “It’s a food brand that invites or gives a glimpse into our family dinner table and our kitchen – from the recipes shared to conversations over the dinner table – but mostly, it’s a brand that uplifts and empowers cooking skills through methods of recipe development, cooking classes and food writing based on what my whole family love about food and cooking. It’s entertaining, it’s fun and informative,” she explains.

She loves to share her food and knowledge with others, which is why she also fulfills the role of cookery teacher. “the idea of sitting around the table passing dishes over good conversations excited me,” she says. “Once i started sharing recipes and food images over social media, I’d also give tips and tricks. It got many of my followers excited so this made me realise what i do is not in vain. Food is my love language, so i figured i can make a lot of people happy by empowering them through it.”

She also highlighters being an editor for True Love Food as a major moment in her career, but what stands out above the rest is releasing her cookbook. “Never in my wildest imagination have i ever thought i could write a book and have it sold in stores all around South Africa, and be recognised asa credible author. Liziwe still has many dreams for her future, such as releasing more cookbooks (keep your eyes open for a possible publication next year) and having her own cooking show. “I love this industry!” The diversity of what you can do it out of this world.

liziwe matloha

Her take on Heritage Month

“Heritage month means so much to me and my family,” Liziwe says. “it’s not only a celebration to shine light on our culture, our roots or who we are, but a restoration for the up-and-coming generations to educate and to enable them to keep our traditions and values alive.”

This year she will be hosting an African dinner for everybody who has always been with her, who support what she does and what she stands for. “I am bringing Africans together who are conscious of their tradition, values and culture under one roof to celebrate what heritage day means to them. I’ve had this idea for many years, but never had the courage or will. I’m extremely excited about it.

And her favourite dish that’s part of her heritage? Ting ya Mabele (Brown sour porridge) served with saucy lamb meat or umleqwa (hardbody chicken) and morogo on the side. “You can give me Ting anytime of the day and I’d eat it like nobody’s business.”

Follow Liziwe Matloha on Instagram here!

ALSO SEE: Sweet Potato Rosti

Sweet potato rosti with mushroom medley

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