Beetroot and salmon cheesecake

November 10, 2013 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)

Beetroot and salmon cheesecake

By Food & Home Entertaining Serves: 3
Cooking Time: 30 minutes + 2 hours, to set


  • Cheesecake base
  • 3 slices pumpernickel bread
  • 80g butter, melted
  • Cheesecake filling
  • 2 (4g) gelatine leaves
  • 100ml cold water
  • 200g cream cheese
  • 100g goat’s cheese
  • zest of 1 orange
  • 100g beetroot, cooked and puréed
  • 3 candied beetroots, cooked and thinly sliced into rounds
  • 100g smoked salmon trout
  • microherbs, to garnish
  • lime wedges, to serve



For the base, blitz the bread to a fine crumb in a blender or food processor and fold in the melted butter.


For the filling, soak the gelatine in the cold water, 5 minutes.


Oil three 6cm-round ring moulds. Line the bases with a thin layer of the cheesecake base and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper.


Returning to the filling, beat the cream cheese until fluffy. Blend in the goat’s cheese and orange zest.


Remove the gelatine leaves from the water and squeeze out excess water. Melt the softened gelatine in a bowl in the microwave, 20 seconds. Fold into the puréed beetroot and fold the beetroot purée into the cheese mixture.


Fill the moulds with the filling mixture. Top with overlapping candied beetroot rounds and refrigerate to set, 2 hours. Keep refrigerated until ready to serve.


Remove the cheesecakes from the moulds by loosening the sides with a palette knife. Top with smoked salmon trout ribbons and garnish with microherbs. Serve with lime wedges for squeezing.



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