Braaied bananas with toasted coconut and coconut-caramel sauce

November 10, 2013 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)

Recipe by Claire Ferrandi

Braaied bananas with toasted coconut and coconut-caramel sauce

Serves: 4
Cooking Time: 30 mins


  • Coconut-caramel sauce
  • 230g sugar
  • 60ml (¼ cup) water
  • pinch salt
  • 1 x 400ml tin coconut cream, chilled and unshaken
  • 5ml (1 tsp) vanilla essence
  • 4 bananas, unpeeled and sliced in half lengthways
  • 50g coconut oil
  • 30g castor sugar
  • small handful coconut shavings, toasted, to serve
  • fresh mint, to garnish



Prepare a braai to grill the bananas over medium heat.


For the coconut-caramel sauce, place the sugar, water and salt in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil, not stirring at all. Cook until golden brown in colour, about 7 minutes.


While the caramel cooks, open the tin of coconut cream and carefully scoop the thick, creamy layer off the top (it should equal around 175ml). Reserve the creamy layer and keep the water layer remaining in the tin for another meal (it makes a delicious addition to soups!).


When the caramel is ready, remove from heat and add the coconut cream (thick layer). Return to the heat and stir continuously, 5 minutes. Once the caramel is ready, stir in the vanilla essence and set aside to cool a little.


Dot the bananas with the coconut oil and a sprinkling of castor sugar. First, toast the skin side of the bananas on the braai, 3 minutes, then turn them over and toast the flesh, 3 minutes.


To serve, sprinkle the bananas with coconut shavings and fresh mint and serve alongside the coconut caramel.



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