Caramelised limoncello tarts

August 3, 2007 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)
Caramelised limoncello tarts recipe

The limoncello liqueur gives the tart a refreshing flavour and, once caramelised, a crunchy sensation. 

Caramelised limoncello tarts

Serves: 5
Cooking Time: 1 hr + 1 hr to refrigerate


  • 1 quantity pâte sablée
  • Filling

  • 150g mascarpone
  • juice and zest of 3 lemons
  • 15ml limoncello liqueur
  • 130g castor sugar
  • 6 eggs
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 60g butter
  • brown sugar, to serve



Preheat the oven to 180°C.


Remove the pastry and line 5 x 8cm tartlet cases. Bake blind and set aside to cool. (See cook’s tip on page 61.)


To make the filling, whisk together the mascarpone, lemon juice, limoncello and sugar. Reduce the oven to 130°C.


Gently whisk the eggs and egg yolks, and add to the mascarpone mixture. Strain and add the zest. Warm the mixture over a double boiler, stirring continuously.


Melt the butter and slowly add it to the mixture. Cook the mixture over a double boiler until thickened.


Pour into the cases and bake for about 25 minutes.


Cool, sprinkle with brown sugar and caramelise using a blowtorch before serving.


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