Coconut rice pudding with kiwi fruit

June 13, 2007 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)
Coconut rice pudding with kiwi fruit recipe

Coconut rice pudding with kiwi fruit is a deliciously creamy tropical pudding. Coconut lends a wonderful richness to the rice but still maintains a light flavour, which is perfect with the sweet kiwi. A lovely dessert that will send your taste-buds on holiday.

Coconut rice pudding with kiwi fruit

Serves: 4 - 6


  • 60ml short-grain rice
  • 5ml orange zest
  • 250ml coconut milk
  • 100ml milk
  • 30ml castor sugar
  • 5ml vanilla essence
  • 100ml cream
  • kiwi fruit, papino or berries of your choice, sliced to serve



Place the rice, zest, coconut milk, milk, sugar and vanilla in a pot over medium heat and slowly bring to the boil without the lid on. Once the mixture is boiling, immediately reduce the heat to low. Place a lid on the pot and cook, stirring occasionally for 1 hour.


When the rice is cooked, remove the pot from the heat and leave to cool with the lid on. Once the mixture is cooled, stir in the cream, transfer to a covered bowl and refrigerate until ready to serve.


To serve, simply top with the fruit.

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