Crayfish on the braai with flavour-spiked butters

November 10, 2016 (Last Updated: November 13, 2018)
Crayfish on the braai with flavour-spiked butters

Crayfish on the braai with flavour-spiked butters is a great way to step up your braai game. Crayfish meat grills beautifully, and its natural richness just gets better when drenched in butter. A delicious summer dish. 

Crayfish on the braai with flavour-spiked butters

Serves: 4
Cooking Time: 25 mins


  • 4 whole crayfish or 8 tails (allow 2 per person)
  • 250g butter, melted
  • 2 anchovies, mixed with
  • handful black olives, chopped
  • handful fresh mixed soft herbs (mint, basil and parsley)
  • 1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed
  • large pinch saffron
  • large pinch chilli flakes/fresh chilli, sliced



Heat the braai or a griddle pan to a medium heat. Halve the whole crayfish or crayfish tails lengthways and remove the veins. Rinse under cold water and pat dry. Brush each crayfish or tail with a little melted butter. Divide the remaining butter into 3 separate ramekins.


Add the anchovies and olives to 1 ramekin, the herbs and garlic to another, and the saffron and chilli to the remaining ramekin. Mix and allow the butters to stand for a short while for the flavours to infuse (keep in a warm spot so they don’t solidify).


Grill the whole crayfish or tails on the braai or in the griddle pan, 5 – 6 minutes. Serve immediately and drizzle with the butters.


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