Fennel salad with black olives and oranges (insalata di finocchi, olive neree arance)

July 11, 2007 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)

This fennel salad with black olives and oranges  salad made up of sliced oranges seasoned with olive oil and black olives is a very old-fashioned Sicilian winter salad. It is a refreshing and perfect way to end a meal. Choose round bulbs and keep in cold water and salt once they are cut. 

Fennel salad with black olives and oranges

Serves: 4


  • 1 large fennel, hard outer leaves removed
  • 2 oranges
  • ¼3 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • sea salt
  • black pepper
  • oregano
  • 16 black olives



Cut the fennel in quarters and then lengthwise into thin slices. Peel oranges, removing all bitter white pith. Cut into thick slices and then cut in halves. Mix oranges and fennel in a serving bowl more or less in equal amounts. Season with the oil, salt, pepper, oregano and mix. Top with the black olives and serve.

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