Lace pancakes with poached plums and cardamom scented cream

November 10, 2014 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)

Lace pancakes with poached plums and cardamom scented cream

Serves: 20 mins
Cooking Time: 4-6


  • Poached plums
  • 1L water
  • 3 star anise
  • 2.5 ml salt
  • 60g sugar
  • 12 ripe plums, halved and stone removed
  • Pancakes
  • 500ml (280g) cake flour
  • 10ml baking powder
  • 2ml salt
  • 3 large eggs, whisked
  • 250ml water
  • 250ml Clover Fresh Full Cream or 2% low fat milk
  • 20ml lemon Juice/ white vinegar or brandy
  • 50ml sunflower oil
  • Clover Springbok Butter, melted for greasing the pan
  • For serving
  • 250ml Clover Fresh Cream
  • 30ml castor sugar
  • 2.5ml ground cardamom



For the poached plums, place the water in a pot, add the star anise, salt and sugar then bring to a simmer over a high heat, and add the plums.


Simmer over a low heat for 20 minutes until the plums are tender, remove from heat and allow to cool before serving.


For the lace pancakes: In a large mixing bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside.


In a measuring jug; whisk together the eggs, water, milk, lemon juice or vinegar and sunflower oil.


Make a hole in the middle of the dry ingredients, using a spoon. Pour the egg mixture into the middle and using a whisk, bring the dry and liquid ingredients together until the mixture is smooth.


Leave batter to stand for 20-30 minutes before using. (If the batter thickens too much; add extra Clover milk.)


Add the pancake mixture to a squeeze bottle with a narrow opening. Heat a large non-stick frying pan over a medium heat and spray with non-stick cooking spray.


Squeeze some pancake mix into pan in a lacy pattern and fry for 2-3 minutes on either side until golden brown.


Repeat this until all the mixture is used up,


To serve, whip the cream with the sugar and cardamom until soft peaks, then serve with warm pancakes and poached plums.

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