Macadamia and cranberry nougat

July 13, 2014 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)

Macadamia and cranberry nougat

Serves: 15
Cooking Time: 40 mins plus extra for setting


  • 450g (2¼ cups) sugar
  • 250ml (1 cup) liquid glucose
  • 80ml (1/3 cup) honey
  • 2 sheets rice paper
  • 2 extra-large egg whites
  • pinch of cream of tartar
  • 250g macadamia nuts, toasted
  • 60g dried cranberries
  • cornflour, to serve



Place the sugar, glucose and honey in a saucepan over a medium heat and stir until the sugar has dissolved. Do not allow the mixture to boil. Keep brushing the sides of the pan with extra water to prevent any sugar crystals from clinging.


When the sugar has completely dissolved, increase the heat and bring the syrup to a rapid boil until 140°C is reached on a sugar thermometer.


Line the base of an 18 x 28cm rectangular cake tin with rice paper.


Place the egg whites and cream of tartar in the bowl of an electric mixer and whisk until soft peaks form. Add the sugar mixture in a steady stream until it is incorporated and continue beating for about 5 minutes until the mixture is slightly cooled and thickened. Add the macadamia nuts and cranberries, whisking them in by hand.


Pour the mixture onto the rice paper and press gently with a spoon to flatten. Cover with another piece of rice paper and allow to set for a few hours before cutting.


Cut into desired shapes, using a very sharp knife. Dip each piece of nougat in cornflour to give it a very light coating before wrapping in parchment paper or cellophane wrapping.

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