No-bake granadilla cheesecake cups

May 15, 2013 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)
No-bake granadilla cheesecake cups recipe

These no-bake granadilla cheesecake cups are the perfect dessert for any party. And besides, what’s easier than a no-bake cheesecake? 

No-bake granadilla cheesecake cups


  • 1 packet ginger biscuits, crushed
  • 250g (1 tub) cream cheese
  • 125g (½ tub) mascarpone cheese
  • 125ml (½ cup) fresh cream
  • 2 x 40g tins granadilla pulp
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • 30ml (2 tbsp) castor sugar
  • pulp of 2 fresh granadillas, to serve



Crush the biscuits to quite a fine powder and set aside.


Combine the cream cheese, mascarpone, fresh cream, tinned granadilla pulp, lemon zest and castor sugar in a large bowl and mix thoroughly.


To assemble, place a layer of crumbed biscuits at the bottom of a cup or serving glass, reserving 15 – 30ml (1 – 2 tbsp) for the topping. Follow with a layer of the cream cheese mixture. Repeat the layer 2 or 3 times (depending on the size of your serving glass or cup), ending with a cream cheese layer.


Spoon fresh granadilla pulp on top of each cheesecake and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. 5 Sprinkle with remaining crushed biscuits before serving.


Substitute the top granadilla layer with orange segments. Mix and match flavours with this layered, no-bake cheesecake: crushed amaretti biscuits with berries work well with the creamy filling.

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