Open mushroom omelette

October 22, 2007 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)
open mushroom omelette recipe

Open mushroom omelette

Serves: 4
Cooking Time: 20 mins



Lightly sauté 2 finely chopped garlic cloves in 10ml butter and add 500g quartered mixed mushrooms. Sprinkle with 40ml fresh thyme and season to taste. Cook for about 5 minutes. Keep warm until needed. In a mixing bowl, lightly beat 10 eggs and season to taste. Melt 60ml butter in a frying pan and pour in enough egg mixture to cover the bottom. Tilt the frying pan slightly and cook the eggs for a few seconds until the base has set. With a fork push in the sides to help the uncooked egg mixture to run onto the pan to start cooking. Cook over medium heat until the egg is just beginning to set, about 2 minutes. Slide the open omelette onto a serving dish and place some of the mushroom mixture on top. Serve while still hot.

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