Parma ham and spinach baked eggs

July 18, 2016 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)

Delicious and indulgent, definitely a winner when a celebratory breakfast is called for.

Parma ham and spinach baked eggs

Serves: 6
Cooking Time: 15 mins


  • 16 slices Parma ham
  • 200g baby spinach
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 6 large free-range eggs
  • 60ml (¼ cup) fresh cream
  • 30ml (2 tbsp) Parmesan, grated



Preheat the oven to 180ºC. Lightly grease 6 small ovenproof dishes.


Line each dish with 2 slices of Parma ham, add the spinach and season.


Crack an egg into each dish and add 10ml (2 tsp) cream to each egg.


Cover with foil and bake until the egg white has just set, about 10 minutes. Remove the foil, sprinkle each egg with Parmesan and place under the grill until golden and bubbling, about 1 minute.


Serve hot with lots of crusty bread.

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