Peach and lemon grass ice cream

November 10, 2014 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)

Peach and lemon grass ice cream

Serves: 6
Cooking Time: 20 mins plus extra for setting


  • 2 large eggs, lightly beaten
  • 200g (1 cup) sugar
  • 4 peaches, pitted and pureed
  • 450ml fresh cream
  • 1 stem lemon grass, bruised
  • pinch of salt
  • dark chocolate, melted, to serve



In large bowl, mix together the eggs and sugar until smooth.


Transfer the egg mixture to a large pot. Add the peach purée, cream, lemon grass and salt. Simmer over a medium heat for about 5 minutes. Leave to rest for about 10 minutes so that the flavours can infuse.


When cool, discard the lemon grass, pour the mixture into a plastic container and freeze. Stir every hour for the next 3 hours to break up the ice crystals, until the ice cream is smooth and thick. Pour into shaped moulds and freeze overnight.


To serve, remove the ic cream efrom the moulds and dip in the melted chocolate.

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