Popcorn and marshmallow cake

January 17, 2016 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)
Popcorn and marshmallow cake recipe

Popcorn and marshmallow cake

Serves: 1 cake
Cooking Time: 20 mins plus overnight for setting


  • Base

  • 50ml butter
  • 400g marshmallows
  • 7 cups cooked popcorn
  • Topping

  • 200g marshmallows
  • 500ml (2 cups) cooked popcorn
  • sweets of your choice
  • 80ml (1/3 cup) castor sugar, melted



Line a 20cm tin with silicone paper.


For the base, melt the butter in a large pot and add the marshmallows. Stir over low heat until the marshmallows have melted and you have a thick sauce.


Remove the pot from the heat and quickly stir in the popcorn. Pour into the tin, cover and leave to set for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight.


Remove the set base from the tin, top with marshmallows, popcorn and sweets and drizzle with the melted sugar to keep everything in place


You can use rice crispies instead of popcorn, and melted chocolate at the end instead of sugar.

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