Prawn ravioli

February 1, 2012 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)
Prawn ravioli recipe

Prawn ravioli

Serves: 4
Cooking Time: 20 mins + extra for marinating


  • 12 queen tiger prawns, cleaned, shelled and tail intact
  • 1 chilli, seeded and finely chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • zest and juice of 1 lemon
  • 45ml (3 tbsp) olive oil, plus extra for frying
  • 15ml (1 tbsp) butter
  • Pernod, to flambé
  • 45ml (3 tbsp) fresh fennel, chopped
  • 8 ravioli discs



Mix the prawns, chilli, garlic, zest, juice and oil and marinate for 2 hours.


In a very hot pan fry the prawns in a little oil. Add the butter and flambé with the Pernod.


At the last minute add the fennel and the ravioli discs and heat through.


Place a disc on each plate, top with prawns and cover with another disc.Serve drizzled with the sauce.



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