Sparkling wine chiboust with berry jelly

December 7, 2011 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)
Sparkling wine chiboust with berry jelly recipe

Recipe by Chantel Dartnall

Photograph by Rolene Prinsloo 

Sparkling wine chiboust with berry jelly

Serves: 4
Cooking Time: 4 hours + extra for setting


  • Berry jelly

  • 400g ripe or tinned berries, chopped
  • 200g ripe strawberries, chopped
  • 50g castor sugar
  • 50ml rose water
  • 2 gelatine leaves
  • Sparkling wine chiboust

  • 1½ gelatine leaves
  • 200ml sparkling wine
  • 5 large egg yolks
  • 300g castor sugar
  • 20ml (4 tsp) water
  • 3 large egg whites
  • 10ml (2 tsp) icing sugar
  • 50ml fresh cream, whipped and chilled
  • 45ml (3 tbsp) raspberry coulis (buy this readymade)
  • rose petals, to garnish



For the berry jelly, mix the berries, strawberries, castor sugar and rose water in a bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Set the bowl over a pot of simmering water on a low heat and leave for 1 hour until the berries have released all their juices. Remove the bowl from the heat and refrigerate for an hour. Strain the juice through muslin cloth and discard the pulp.


Soften the gelatine in cold water. Gently heat 50ml of the berry juice in a small saucepan. Squeeze out the gelatine leaves and stir them into the warm berry juice until dissolved. Mix the remaining cold berry juice with the gelatine mixture. Line 3 small baking trays with plastic wrap and pour the jelly in to a depth of 1cm. Refrigerate until set, about 4 hours.


For the chiboust, soften the gelatine leaves in cold water. Bring the wine to the boil in a heavy-based saucepan. Remove from the heat and reserve 50ml in a separate saucepan. Squeeze out the gelatine, add to the remaining wine and stir until dissolved. Keep in a warm place until ready to use.


Whisk the egg yolks with 100g of the castor sugar until pale and doubled in volume. Pour the reserved 50ml wine into the egg yolk mixture. Cook over a very low heat in a heavy-based saucepan, stirring continuously with a wooden spoon until the custard coats the back of the spoon, about 10 – 12 minutes. Stir in the wine and gelatine mixture, remove from the heat and pass through a fine sieve. Set aside to cool.


Place the remaining castor sugar and the water in a heavy-based saucepan and heat to 121°C (use a sugar thermometer).


Place the egg whites and icing sugar in an electric mixer and whisk to firm peaks. Reduce the speed, slowly pour in the hot sugar syrup and continue to beat until fully incorporated. Remove the bowl from the mixer, fold in the egg and wine mixture and whisk until cool. Fold in the whipped cream and pour the chiboust into 2 small baking trays. Refrigerate until set, about 2 hours.


Once set, run the tip of a knife around the first tray of jelly and turn out. Do the same to the first tray of chiboust and turn out on top of the jelly. Repeat for the next jelly tray, the second chiboust tray and finally the third jelly tray, so you have five layers. Cut into neat squares and serve garnished with the raspberry coulis and the rose petals.


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