Spinach and mushroom Spanish omelette

May 7, 2008 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)

You can cut and serve this as square segments with cocktail sticks.

TO DRINK: An earthy, mushroom-loving pinot noir from Muratie

Spinach and mushroom Spanish omelette

Serves: 12
Cooking Time: 15 mins


  • 30ml olive oil
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 350g brown mushrooms, thinly sliced
  • 280g spinach leaves, coarse stems removed
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 60g flaked almonds, toasted
  • 5 eggs
  • 30ml flat-leaf parsley, chopped
  • 30ml cold water
  • 100g Parmesan, freshly grated
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste



Heat the olive oil in a heavy-based frying pan. Add the onion and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally until the onions have softened. Add the mushrooms and cook till soft.


Add the spinach, then increase the heat to medium and cook until the spinach is wilted, about 3 minutes. Reduce the heat and season. Stir in the flaked almonds. Preheat the grill.


In a bowl, beat the eggs with the parsley and water, and season. Pour the mixture into the frying pan and cook until the underside of the egg in the pan has set.


Lift the edges of the omelette occasionally to let the uncooked egg run underneath. Sprinkle the Parmesan over the omelette and cook under the grill until the top has set and the cheese has melted, about 3 minutes.


Serve lukewarm or cold, cut into thin wedges.

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