Strawberry and chocolate spring rolls

October 23, 2007 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)

These strawberry and chocolate spring rolls are so delicious they’ll be eaten up before they’ve had a chance to cool down! Golden pastry, juicy fruits and creamy chocolate are meant to be together. Flaky and amazingly tasty. 

Strawberry and chocolate spring rolls

Serves: 15
Cooking Time: 50 mins


  • 5ml butter
  • 20ml thick cream
  • 200g good-quality dark chocolate
  • 12 x spring roll sheets
  • 250g strawberries, cubed
  • 1 litre oil, for frying



Melt the butter, cream and chocolate together, and leave in the fridge to cool.


Placing your spring roll sheet in front of you, spoon the chocolate mixture into a corner and add a few strawberries. Roll as per instructions on packaging. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.


Heat the oil in a pot until hot. Carefully fry the spring rolls until golden brown, about 1 minute on each side.


Serve hot with vanilla ice cream, drizzled with melted chocolate or dusted with icing sugar.


Cook's tip: When buying strawberries, remember the biggest ones are not always the sweetest. Smaller ones will do just fine if they look glossy and feel firm. Always check for bruising. Keep your strawberries in the fridge in their container for up to three days. Serve them at room temperature. To hull a strawberry simply means to remove the stalk and leafy top. Don’t cut it off, rather use your fingers to pinch it off. Strawberries go well with sugar, balsamic vinegar and, of course, cream.

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